Even for good players, crossword puzzles may sometimes be a bit tricky... For that reason Crosswords Guru has been created, and it's very easy to use. In fact you don't need to know any word's definitions, just type the letters of the word you are looking for and the crossword solver will show you all the words that fit with them : very easy, very simple to use. Crosswords Guru also give you the opportunity to find words that begin/finish with a letter or a syllabe, words composed of 2,3... up to 15 letters. For sure these tools will help you to easily complete all your crossword puzzles.
During a crossword puzzle you sometimes have only the begining or only the end of a word... to help you finding these words, Crosswords Guru provides you 5 powerful tools : with their help you can complete all the crossword puzzles you want !
Ordering words by their number of letters may sometimes be helpful for words games like scrabble or crossword puzzles, the fifth tool does that work : just choose the number of letters you want and you will get a list of words that fit.
Crosswords Guru hopes that with all these tools and the crossword puzzle solver you will new be unbeatable at crossword puzzles ! ;)
You can see below all the last searched made by Crosswords Guru members :
If you only have the first letter(s) of a word, type the letter(s) above.
This tool is useful when you only have the end of a word. Type the letter(s) that finish the word...
You only have the middle of a word ? Try this tool that list you all the words that contain a letter or a syllabe.
This tool allows you to get all the words that fit a number of letters.